The other attendees watch on with expressions of confusion and amusement at the swimsuited outlier in their midst. Through the glass wall, colleagues outside can see the unconventional meeting attire amid the usual business scene.

Things You Can Say at Standup that Would Be Awkward Anywhere Else

3 min readJan 9, 2024

Have you ever walked out of a daily standup feeling like you just had a wildly entertaining conversation, only to realize the hilarious double entendres you used would horrify in any other setting?

As developers, we live in our own bizarre linguistic bubble where talk of “pushing commits”, “hammering out bugs”, and “refactoring code structures” is just part of the job. But to non-techies, our status updates could paint a very different picture!

Here are a few examples of things you can say at standup that would be awkward anywhere else:

“Spent all day optimizing endpoints.”

Let’s avoid that to HR, shall we? While tweaking API performance in dev speak, the term “optimizing endpoints” ventures into anatomical territory better left in the office. Choose your company wisely!

“Wrapping up docs.”

On the surface, documenting work sounds innocuous enough. But without context, the act of “wrapping up documentation” could stir less work-appropriate images. Best keep deliverables phrasings scrum-room suitable.

“Reworking its structure from the ground up.”

Not the kind of renovation chat most enjoy over lunch! Rebuilding foundations is routine dev work, yet without software lenses, the statement drifts toward home reno or anatomical realm. Technical audiences only, please.

“Merging changes to the master branch.”

Innocent progress report for standup, but perhaps avoid status updates involving physical “merging” or “mastering” activities outside the office. Context is king with code speech.

“Had to refactor some sticky logic.”

We’ve all untangled gnarly code, but non-tech friends may misconstrue enthusiastic refactoring accounts involving “sticky logic”. Spare the salacious scenario spin for workplace waterscooler alone.

“Taking another pass on the doing things.”

Algorithm tweaks are scrum currency, yet the phrase “taking a pass” ventures beyond coding contours without context. Stick to technical terminology where it counts most.

“I’ve been digging into the guts of this feature all week.”

Best leave organ metaphors out of casual chit chat. When troubleshooting issues, we developers may relish the gory details, but spare your parents such vivid imagery over the dinner table!

“Still debugging at the rear(backend), why things aren’t lining up on the front(frontend).”

Wonder what your grandma would think of that one! Frontend woes are part of the job, yet that innocent phrase strays to less work-safe topics without context. Keep software talk techie-only.

“Working on expanding test coverage.”

Again, innocent dev intent but choose the audience carefully. Without context, test coverage takes on a whole new meaning best kept between engineers. Discretion is key.

“Trying different approaches to solve this edgy case.”

Sounds fine amongst fellow coders tackling odd bugs, but less fitting at the bus stop lounge. Keep problem-solving war stories tech-only to avoid straying implications.

“Making some dirty commits for the sake of satisfaction(iteration)”

Yikes, save that coder candor for code comrades only please! While version control velocity aids progress, not all audiences share our context for more colorful commit descriptives. Caution at non-dev gatherings!

So next time at standup, feel free to proudly report all the pushing, merging, refactoring and bug squashing your little heart desires. Just don’t try that colorful jargon anywhere you don’t want interesting looks!




Written by Johnsebin

Stick around for the chaos and hilarity of someone trying to condense their awesomeness into a few sentences! But I can tell u this, I don't know how to write!

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